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Leaders in Community Football

Leaders in Community Football

Alex Kronenberg30 Jul 2016 - 09:58
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New club sponsorship announced with Redhill estate agents

Redhill FC are delighted to confirm that Leaders estate agents will be sponsoring the club for the 2016/17 season.

“We are very pleased that Leaders has come on board this year,” said Redhill FC Chairman Jerry O’Leary. “There are lots of initiatives we can work on together to support football and other good causes in the town. We’re working hard at the club to build positive relationships with local community and business interests – and working with Leaders is a step in the right direction for us.”

Leaders’ Senior Branch Manager in Redhill Jean Carter added: “The football club is investing in football improvement and development plans across Redhill and all of us at the local Leaders branch in the town are delighted to support this good work.”

For more information on Leaders, CLICK HERE to visit their website

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